NCM was founded in 1936 (registered on 11 December 1936). We are a trade association representing, promoting and advancing the collective interests of the South African milling industry.

The Chamber is the sole representative body of millers in South Africa, processing about 40% and 80% of the total maize and wheat for human consumption, respectively. It contributes significantly towards delivering efficiently produced high-quality, nutritious, and safe staple food, thereby promoting the country’s national food security and hunger alleviation. It facilitates the creation of a conducive environment in which all the processors of maize and wheat for human consumption can flourish, expand and be competitive.

To be the foremost organisation in serving the interests of grain millers and their key stakeholders throughout Sub-Saharan Africa.

The NCM is a dynamic industry mouth-piece for the milling industry that:

  • Promotes and advances the industry interests and views to government and its entities, parliamentarians, regulators, media, industry value chain stakeholders as well as all other interested parties;
  • Improves the nature and understanding of operational requirements of the wheat, maize and other grain milling operations to the benefit of members and that of the society at large;
  • Provides training resources, knowledge and advice to its members and other stakeholders on a wide range of issues affecting the milling industry;
  • Provide institutional capacity concerning trade, technical, legislative and policy frameworks that affect the milling industry environment; and
  • Be a fully-fledged representative body for the milling industry.

To this extent, the NCM is the sole representative body of wheat and maize millers in South Africa, contributing significantly towards:

  • Delivery of efficiently produced, high-quality safe staple food for the consumers;
  • Attainment of other national objectives such as the country’s economic growth and development, food security, job creation, transformation, etc.; and
  • Creation of a conducive environment where the milling industry can flourish, expand and be competitive.
  • We serve the interest of our members as well as the broader society
  • We act with integrity, pride, determination and resilience
  • The Chamber and its members set and maintain the highest standards of corporate governance
  • Secure & expand the membership base
  • Strategic engagement with various stakeholders
  • Industry representation and mouthpiece
  • Promote the organisational image
  • Provide institutional capacity to various government departments, industry value chain as well as relevant institutions
  • Create internal capacity and maintain high levels of corporate governance
  • Expand knowledge base network and provide high quality and sustainable industry training
  • Address industry issues relating to trade policies as well as technical and regulatory affairs

NCM Organisational Structure
162 KB 11/03/2024 929
NCM Company Profile
472 KB 15/03/2023 536
BEE Validation
243 KB 22/11/2022 44
Wheat Settlement Agreement
246.13 KB 25/05/2015 140
NCM Code of Conduct
80.62 KB 25/05/2015 120